Common Invasive Plants | Multiflora Rose
Multiflora Rose
Rosa multiflora
Multiflora Rose is a thorny shrub that can form dense thickets and can also climb like a vine. It spreads by root suckering, tip layering, and by seed dispersal when wildlife consume it fruits. Often found along roadsides and fields. DO NOT PLANT.
How to Control
Hand pull or dig, removing entire root to prevent resprout. Repeated mowings during growing season for 2-4 years can be effective.
Multiflora Rose is a thorny shrub that can form dense thickets and can also climb like a vine. It spreads by root suckering, tip layering, and by seed dispersal when wildlife consume it fruits. Often found along roadsides and fields. DO NOT PLANT.
How to Control
Hand pull or dig, removing entire root to prevent resprout. Repeated mowings during growing season for 2-4 years can be effective.